1. After losing his job, he had to ____ and budget very carefully. 2. She paid a ____ for her new car, but it was worth it. 3. They charged me so much for the repairs that I felt like I was paying ____. 4. The tourist found out that the souvenirs at the market were a ____: overpriced and terrible quality. 5. That new restaurant is a bit ____, but it does offer a fine dining experience and the food is amazing. 6. He lived in a comfortable house and rarely had to worry about money, so was considered to be ____ by most people. 7. I always make sure to put some money aside each month to save ____. 8. She hoped to ____ one day and live a life of luxury. 9. They decided to ____ at the restaurant and split the bill equally. 1. The museum entrance fee cost ____, and it was a great way to spend the day. 2. He was throwing money ____ by smoking, and he knew it. 3. She had to work three jobs just to ____. 4. Winning the lottery often seems like ____, but many people end up losing the lot. 5. He liked to ____ around and show off his wealth. 6. The unexpected medical expenses left him ____ and struggling to pay his bills. 7. You know, she is ____: luxury cars, diamonds, designer brands, mansions in the Bahamas and so on. 8. The store offers ____ prices on its clearance items. 9. The second-hand clothes were ____, and she was able to buy a lot of new outfits.

Money idioms: Gap fill


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