The zombie apocalypse is coming, who are 3 people you want on your team?, If a movie was made of your life, what genre would it be, who would play you?, What was your least favorite food as a child? Do you still hate it or do you love it now?, If you had to eat one meal everyday for the rest of your life, what would it be?, What's the best piece of advice you've ever been given?, If you had to delete all but 3 apps from your smartphone, which ones would you keep?, What would your superpower be and why?, What fictional world or place would you like to visit? Why?, If you were a dog, what breed would you be? why?, What's the weirdest food you've ever eaten?, You can have an ulimited supply of one thing for the rest of your life, what is it?, Are you sunrise, daylight, twilight or night time? Why?, If you could rename yourself yourself, what name would you pick?, If you could instantly become an expert in something, what would it be?, Name one cool feature you would add to your dream house, What is your favorite memory with your best friend?, Describe the best teacher you had so far, What is your favorite dessert?, What is your favorite tv show and why?, Which is your favorite holiday and why?, What would it take to give up your phone / ipad / tv for a month?, What Avenger would you be? Why?, What do people not understand about being a student?, What is the best present you've got for christmas?, If you could be any celebrity, who would you be? why?, Would you like to be famous? why?, If you had a magic carpet, where would you go first?, If you were one of snow white's dwarves, who woul you be? You can make up your own name.,

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