1) Have you ever managed to do something tricky quite well? How did you feel when you .......... smoothly? a) pulled it on b) pulled it off c) pushed it on d) pushed it off 2) When you dive..... tasks, do you like to focus on one thing at a time or do lots of things at once? a) at b) in c) into d) onto 3) Do you usually take notice ..... the small achievements throughout the day?  a) at b) in c) out of d) of 4) When you fall behind schedule, how do you catch up ... tasks? a) at b) - c) with d) on 5) Is there anything important that you sometimes choose to turn a blind eye .....? a) on b) to c) with d) at 6) Do you feel like you're ".........loop" with what's happening in your workplace? a) in a ............ b) in the........... c) in-.............. 7) When it comes to completing projects, do you feel confident when the release is .................door, or do you think about it too much? a) out a...... b) out the.... c) out of the..... d) out of a ..... 8) How do you manage to juggle ......... and family? What do you do to help? a) job b) work 9) How do you stay ..... track when you must do something important? Do you have any tricks? a) at b) on c) in d) - 10) Have you ever had to wait for someone to give ............. green light before you could start a project ? How did you handle the delay? a) a b) the c) -

Zuzana Review 2 February


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