1) Look, there is my brother. He .............. with his friend! a) fights b) is fighting c) fight 2) I can't meet you in town today. I .............. on Mondays. a) am working b) working c) work 3) Every morning, I ......... at 7 o'clock. a) get up b) getting up c) am getting up 4) My Mum can't help me now, she ........... the washing. a) does b) do c) is doing 5) Tom and Lina ....... in the bank. a) is working b) work c) works 6) Sella usually ..... the dog to the park. a) takes b) take c) is taking 7) My friends often ....... to my house in the evening. a) coming b) come c) are coming 8) She ........ at the moment. a) doesn't listen b) listens not c) isn't listening 9) The friend of my brother ....... really nice. a) looks b) is looking c) look 10) Den ........... out of the window now. a) looking b) is looking c) looks 11) Rob............his football training on Saturdays. a) has b) have c) is having 12) My mum ........... a book every time we go on holiday. a) reads b) reading c) is reading 13) I'm not listening, I ........ a book! a) reading b) read c) am reading 14) I cannot talk, I ............ an email right now. a) write b) am writing c) is writing 15) Dave and Luke ........ to the cinema every weekend. a) go b) are going c) is going

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