My friend’s name is Leo. He’s from Spain. He lives in London now. - What is your friend’s name? Where is he from? Where is he now?, My friend is tall. He’s got a friendly face. He’s got big, brown eyes, a long nose and a big mouth. His teeth are white. He’s got short, curly, brown hair. - Is your friend tall or short? Talk about his/her face, hair, Leo is clever and helpful. He is funny and he tells great jokes. His hobby is basketball and art. - Talk about his personality and hobby, His favourite colour is blue. His favourite actor is Ben Jen. - What is your friend's favourite colour? Who is your friends favourite actor/singer, His number one favourite thing is his blue hoodie. His number two favourite thing is his new mobile phone. It’s cool! His number three favourite thing is his fantastic mountain bike. - Describe three of your friend's favourite things., He can draw great pictures and he can sing but he can’t play the piano. - What can your friend do? What can't he do? ,

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