1) This is a a) Keyboard b) Screen 2) This is a a) Mouse b) Monitor 3) This is a a) system unit b) Keyboard 4) This is a a) Mouse b) Screen 5) A computer is a) A human b) A machine 6) You use the printer to a) Watch a movie b) Print papers 7) This is the a) On/Off button b) Windows start button 8) This is a a) paint b) word 9) this is a a) Colour Box b) Eraser 10) this is a a) curve b) Brush 11) this is a a) Text b) pencil 12) this is a a) Eraser b) line 13) this is a a) shapes box b) brushes box 14) this is a a) shapes box b) Text box 15) we use this tool to a) write b) fill with colour

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