1) Auf der Straße sind Radfahrer unterwegs. a) My name is Ladina and I am thirteen years old. b) If there is an emergency, break the glass to escape. c) There are cyclists on the road. d) What do you do when the weather is not good and it starts to rain at night? 2) Sie blockieren den Verkehr. a) What do you do when the weather is not good and it starts to rain at night? b) You should cycle one behind the other. c) My favourite project at the moment is painting and designing pictures. d) They are blocking the traffic. 3) Eine Radfahrerin telefoniert mit ihrem Handy. a) One cyclist is on her mobile. b) Stop, we need to put up the breakdown triangle. c) Meet here to find someone or if there is an emergency. d) On Thursday morning there is Assembly and the headmaster gives us some information and we sing and pray together. 4) Schau, dort vorne ist ein Unfall. a) I am looking for a place to change my money. Can you help me? b) Look! There is an accident up ahead. c) Don't g on a bicycle tour without a helmet. d) I am learning to prepare a presentation with my digital tablet.  5) Zwei Mädchen sind verletzt und eine blutet. a) Two girls are injured and one is bleeding. b) In my class we are two girls and we have five lessons in the morning. c) I am learning to prepare a presentation with my digital tablet.  d) There are cyclists on the road. 6) Halt, wir müssen das Pannendreieck aufstellen. a) Because of the accident, there was no option to overtake. b) Don't g on a bicycle tour without a helmet. c) When do you go camping in the forest with your Girl Scout group? d) Stop, we need to put up the breakdown triangle. 7) Nächstes Mal werde ich sie nicht mehr ohne Helm fahren lassen. a) Because of the accident, there was no option to overtake. b) My favourite project at the moment is painting and designing pictures. c) Next time I won't let them ride without helmets. d) In my class we are two girls and we have five lessons in the morning. 8) Hinter uns herrschte viel Verkehr. a) Meet here to find someone or if there is an emergency. b) It's better not to cycle on main roads. c) There was a lot of traffic behind us. d) One cyclist is on her mobile. 9) Wegen des Unfalls gab es keine Möglichkeit zum Überholen. a) After the accident all children are happy to be back in safety. b) When do you go camping in the forest with your Girl Scout group? c) Because of the accident, there was no option to overtake. d) There was a lot of traffic behind us. 10) Gehen Sie nicht ohne Helm auf eine Fahrradtour. a) Don't g on a bicycle tour without a helmet. b) If there is an emergency, break the glass to escape. c) My favourite project at the moment is painting and designing pictures. d) Where can I find a baggage locker to leave my bags? 11) Es ist besser, nicht auf Hauptstraßen zu fahren. a) It's better not to cycle on main roads. b) In my class we are two girls and we have five lessons in the morning. c) I am learning to prepare a presentation with my digital tablet.  d) School begins with praying, later we will have a bathroom break and snacks. 12) Sie sollten die Straße nicht blockieren. a) Suddenly the boat turns over and all the children fall into the water. b) You shouldn't block the road. c) Because of the accident, there was no option to overtake. d) Next time I won't let them ride without helmets. 13) Fahren Sie nicht nebeneinander her. a) School begins with praying, later we will have a bathroom break and snacks. b) I am learning to prepare a presentation with my digital tablet.  c) If there is an emergency, break the glass to escape. d) Don't cycle next to each other. 14) Fahren Sie hintereinander. a) What do you do when the weather is not good and it starts to rain at night? b) School begins with praying, later we will have a bathroom break and snacks. c) Stop, we need to put up the breakdown triangle. d) You should cycle one behind the other. 15) Wann zeltest du mit deiner Mädchenpfadfindergruppe im Wald? a) What are some tips you could give your scout friends in such a situation? b) Look! There is an accident up ahead. c) When do you go camping in the forest with your Girl Scout group? d) One cyclist is on her mobile. 16) Was tun Sie, wenn das Wetter nicht gut ist und es nachts zu regnen beginnt? a) Meet here to find someone or if there is an emergency. b) What do you do when the weather is not good and it starts to rain at night? c) On Thursday morning there is Assembly and the headmaster gives us some information and we sing and pray together. d) They are blocking the traffic. 17) Welche Tipps können Sie Ihren Pfadfinderfreunden in einer solchen Situation geben? a) What are some tips you could give your scout friends in such a situation? b) Don't g on a bicycle tour without a helmet. c) Don't cycle next to each other. d) Because of the accident, there was no option to overtake. 18) Ich lerne gerade, wie ich mit meinem digitalen Tablet eine Präsentation vorbereite. a) I am learning to prepare a presentation with my digital tablet.  b) Where can I find a baggage locker to leave my bags? c) After the accident all children are happy to be back in safety. d) You shouldn't block the road. 19) Wir bringen unser eigenes Mittagessen mit und essen auf dem Schulhof. a) Where can I find a baggage locker to leave my bags? b) We bring our own lunch and eat in the schoolyard. c) What are some tips you could give your scout friends in such a situation? d) Stop, we need to put up the breakdown triangle. 20) Mein Lieblingsprojekt ist im Moment das Malen und Gestalten von Bildern. a) After the accident all children are happy to be back in safety. b) We bring our own lunch and eat in the schoolyard. c) Next time I won't let them ride without helmets. d) My favourite project at the moment is painting and designing pictures. 21) Treffen Sie sich hier, um jemanden zu finden oder wenn es einen Notfall gibt. a) In my class we are two girls and we have five lessons in the morning. b) You should cycle one behind the other. c) Meet here to find someone or if there is an emergency. d) Suddenly the boat turns over and all the children fall into the water. 22) In Notfällen schlagen Sie das Glas ein, um zu entkommen. a) We bring our own lunch and eat in the schoolyard. b) Stop, we need to put up the breakdown triangle. c) Because of the accident, there was no option to overtake. d) If there is an emergency, break the glass to escape. 23) Wo kann ich einen Gepäckschließfach finden, um mein Gepäck abzustellen? a) Where can I find a baggage locker to leave my bags? b) Don't g on a bicycle tour without a helmet. c) Stop, we need to put up the breakdown triangle. d) You shouldn't block the road. 24) Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem Ort, an dem ich mein Geld wechseln kann. Können Sie mir helfen? a) Where can I find a baggage locker to leave my bags? b) After the accident all children are happy to be back in safety. c) I am looking for a place to change my money. Can you help me? d) What do you do when the weather is not good and it starts to rain at night? 25) In meiner Klasse sind wir zwei Mädchen, und wir haben morgens fünf Stunden Unterricht. a) I am looking for a place to change my money. Can you help me? b) In my class we are two girls and we have five lessons in the morning. c) Don't g on a bicycle tour without a helmet. d) Stop, we need to put up the breakdown triangle. 26) Am Donnerstagmorgen findet eine Versammlung statt, bei der der Schulleiter uns einige Informationen gibt und wir gemeinsam singen und beten. a) They are blocking the traffic. b) Where can I find a baggage locker to leave my bags? c) On Thursday morning there is Assembly and the headmaster gives us some information and we sing and pray together. d) You should cycle one behind the other. 27) Mein Name ist Ladina und ich bin dreizehn Jahre alt. a) My favourite project at the moment is painting and designing pictures. b) My name is Ladina and I am thirteen years old. c) On Thursday morning there is Assembly and the headmaster gives us some information and we sing and pray together. d) I am looking for a place to change my money. Can you help me? 28) Die Schule beginnt mit einem Gebet, später gibt es eine Toilettenpause und einen Imbiss. a) It's better not to cycle on main roads. b) They are blocking the traffic. c) School begins with praying, later we will have a bathroom break and snacks. d) What are some tips you could give your scout friends in such a situation? 29) Plötzlich kippt das Boot um und alle Kinder fallen ins Wasser. a) When do you go camping in the forest with your Girl Scout group? b) There are cyclists on the road. c) Suddenly the boat turns over and all the children fall into the water. d) Don't cycle next to each other. 30) Nach dem Unfall sind alle Kinder froh, wieder in Sicherheit zu sein. a) Suddenly the boat turns over and all the children fall into the water. b) After the accident all children are happy to be back in safety. c) On Thursday morning there is Assembly and the headmaster gives us some information and we sing and pray together. d) Because of the accident, there was no option to overtake.

Englisch Übersetzung - Lektion 3


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