1) With which word we can describe the process of suffering something difficult, unpleasant, or painful? a) enrich b) endure c) ensure d) entry 2) What do we call a person who is very good at learning a lot very quickly? a) crammer b) know-it-all c) truant d) noble 3) What do we call a long piece of writing on a particular subject that is done for higher college or university degree? a) synopsis b) assessment c) thesis d) report 4) What do we call a university teacher ranking immediately below an associate professor? a) subdean b) senior lecturer c) assistant professor d) academic tutor 5) What do we call the amount of work or of working time? a) timetable b) schedule c) work load d) curriculum 6) What is the synonim for "to learn smth BY HEART"? a) by rope b) by brain c) by bike d) by rote 7) What's the English for "экзамен по литературе"? a) literature exam b) exam in literature c) exam on literature d) exam at literature 8) What preposition do we use in "I'm ... the first year"? a) at b) on c) into d) in 9) What verb do we use when we want to say that one knows English perfectly and speaks it fluently? a) to master English b) to do well in English c) to have a good command of English d) to make good progress in English 10) What's the English for "энциклопедия"? a) encyclopedia b) encyclopeadia c) encyclopaedia d) encyclopadia



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