What's the difference between a SCULPTURE and AN INSTALLATION? - A SCULPTURE - work of art thatis a solid figure or object made by carving or shaping wood, stone, clay, metal, etc. AN INSTALLATION-a piece of modern sculpture that is made using sound, light, etc. as well as objects.  , What's the difference between A STATUE AND A MONUMENT? - A STATUE-a figure of a person or animal in stone, metal, etc. A MONUMENT-a building, column, statue,etc.built to remind people of a famous person or event. , What's the difference between ABSTRACT ART and FUGARATIVE ART - ABSTRACT ART-not presenting people or things in a realistic way, but expressing the artist's ideas about them. FIGURATIVE ART-showing people, animals, and objects as they really look, What's the difference between A LANDSCAPE and A STILL LIFE? - A LANDSCAPE - a painting of a view of the countryside. A STILL LIFE- a painting or drawing of arrangements of objects such as flowers, fruits, etc., What's the difference between A PORTRAIT and A SELF-PORTRAIT? - A PORTRAIT-a picture of a person. A SELF-PORTRAIT-a picture of a person created by the person him or herself., What's the difference between A DRAWING AND AN ILLUSTRATION? - A DRAWING-a picture made using a pencil or pen rather than paint.AN ILLUSTRATION-a drawing or picture in a book, magazine, etc.especially one that explains something., What's the difference between A POSTER AND A PAINTING? - A POSTER - large mass-produced picture printed on paper.A PAINTING-a picture painted by an artist., What's the difference between A CANVAS AND A FRAME? - A CANVAS-the strong cloth artists use to paint on. A FRAME-a border or structure of metal or wood that holds a picture in position.,


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