1) What will you do if you can't find a job in your field after graduation? 2) The government proposes an increase in the TransMilenio fare to $5.000 3) You bought a raffle ticket to win a trip to anywhere in the world 4) Your phone suddenly stops working 5) What will you do if you get lost while exploring a new city? 6) Homework is abolished in Colombia 7) If your TV breaks next week, what will you do? 8) How will you feel if you fail your next test? 9) What will you do If you have some free time on Saturday? 10) What will happen if humans keep polluting the environment? 11) What will you do if your wallet is stolen? 12) Colombia wins the next football world cup. 13) If artificial intelligence continues to improve, will it be the end of the human race? 14) If you learn to speak English perfectly, how will it change your life? 15) You find $100.000 in the street this evening. 16) Rain hasn't fallen for several months in Bogotá, and instead, strong heatwaves are occurring


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