to hit the bars - to go out to bars or pubs for drinks & socializing, to go on a date - to spend time with someone in a romantic or potentially romantic context, to have a lie-in - to stay in bed later than usual in the morning, especially to rest or relax, for a while - a period of time, usually unspecified, indicating some duration, to catch up with friends - to spend time with friends, especially after not seeing them for some time, to do a bit of reading - to engage in reading, typically for pleasure or to gain knowledge, for a short period of time, It was pretty chill - It was relaxed, calm, or easygoing, to see a friend - to spend time with or meet up with a friend, to sleep until noon - to stay in bed and sleep until midday, to juggle a lot of things - to manage or handle multiple tasks or responsibilities simultaneously, to watch series & shows - to view TV series or programs, often in a binge-watching manner, to be cooped up in your apartment - to stuck indoors in your apartment, to put it off for later - to delay or postpone doing sth until a later time, to introduce a new habit into your life - to start practicing a new behavior or routine, to wean yourself off coffee or screen time - to gradually reduce the consumption of coffee or the time spent on electronic screens, to miss out on the weather - to not enjoy the weather outside due to being indoors or occupied with other activities, to spend mindless time on a phone - to use a phone without a specific purpose or goal, often leading to wasted time, to go window shopping - to browse or look at items in store windows without the intention of buying, to run errands - to complete small tasks or chores, typically outside the home, such as shopping or banking,

Vocabulary Check: My Weekend


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