Taiwan, China, America, Japan, close, far, sushi, here, there, movies, Asia, speak, clap - In Zimbabwe, people c___ their hands to say hello.., kiss - In Brazil, people "air" ___ on the cheek to say hello., shake hands - In America, people sh___ h____ to say hello., noses - In Oman, people bump n____ to say hello., bow - In Japan, people b__ to say hello., wave - People in Taiwan w___ their hand to say hello., basketball - People eat stinky tofu and watch __________ in Taiwan., dumplings kung fu - People eat d________ and watch ____ __ in China, sushi sumo - People in Japan eat _____ and watch ____., golf - People in Korea eat kimchi and watch ____., boxing - People eat adobo and watch _______ in the Philippines., stars - We can see _____ in the sky at night., Sun - The ___ is big, hot, yellow, and bright., telescope - We can use a tel_s____ to look at the stars and planets., Astronomers - __________ are scientists. They study the stars and the sky., shapes - Stars make ______ in the night sky called constellations., fifteen - 17-2=__, twenty - five - 47-22=__, twenty - eight - 16+12=__, forty - seven - 25+22=__, culture - Each country has it's own food, music, clothes, and traditions like Dragon-boat Festival. We call these things ___ture!, map - Can you find Taiwan on this m__?, Taipei 101 - Can you find T_____ 1__ on this map?,


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