Define variety - including different types of food from different food groups and within each food group, Define moderation - not too much and not too litte, Define energy balance - energy input is equal to energy output, energy intake is equal to energy expenditure , Define balanced diet - contains all nutrients in the correct amounts, Define malnutrition - a lack of nutrients or an excessive intake of nutrients, Describe the components of My Healthy Plate - 1/4 brown rice and wholemeal bread, 1/4 meat and others, 1/2 fruits and vegetables, choose healthier oils, choose water, be active, Describe diabetes - when a person's blood glucose level is abnormally high over a prolonged period of time, Describe hypertension - blood is pumped around the body at a persistently high pressure, Describe coronary heart disease - coronary artery that supplies oxygenated blood to the heat is blocked , Describe dehydration - body's water output exceeds water intake , Describe heat stroke - body is unable to adequately dissipate/ remove heat and regulate body temperature, internal body temperature reaches 40 degrees celsiuc or higher, Describe anaemia - condition in which red blood cell count is lower than normal, Describe obesity - condition characterised by excessive storage of body fat, body weight too much for height, Describe constipation - infrequent bowel movements, difficulty in passing stools, Describe osteoporosis - low bone density and weakened bone strength, condition in which bones are brittle, State the roles of energy - for basal metabolic rate, for thermic effect of food, for physical activities, Define basal metabolic rate - minimum amount of energy that the body uses to maintain vital metabolic functions while at rest, What are the factors to consider when planning meals? - Physiological (age, gender, level of activity, health status, bmr), Economic (value for money, demand and supply, budget), social ( occasion, ethnic customs, religion, influence from parents/ peers/ media, vegetarianism), psychological (personal preferences),

Healthy Eating


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