Economy - The production, distribution and consumption of goods and services in a particular country., International - Involving two or more countries., Import - To bring goods or services into a country from abroad for sale., Supply - The total amount of a product (good or service) that is available to consumers., Export - To send goods or services to another country for sale., Surplus - An excess amount of something, such as goods or resources, where the supply exceeds the demand., Fair Trade - Helping producers in developing countries achieve better trading conditions and promote sustainability., Resources - Materials that are available for use and can be utilised to produce goods and services., Developed Country - A country with a high standard of living. These countries typically have advanced technological infrastructure., Manufacture - The process of converting raw materials into finished goods through the use of labor, machinery and tools., Demand - The desire for particular goods or services combined with the ability to pay for them., Trade - An exchange, voluntary in nature between two parties in requirement of each other’s resources,


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