pass on something (information) - you tell it to someone else after you have heard it, make up something - to invent an excuse, a story, etc., often in order to deceive, turn out - to happen in a particular way or to have a particular result, especially an unexpected one, run over something/someone - to hit and drive over someone or something with a vehicle, go off - If a bomb does it, it explodes, run away - to leave a place or person secretly and suddenly, work out something - to discover an answer, develop an idea, or calculate an amount, get away with something - to escape blame or punishment when you do something wrong, or to avoid harm or criticism for something you did, knock out someone - to hit someone so that the person becomes unconscious, or to cause someone to go to sleep, come round - to become conscious again after an accident or operation,

Face2Face Upper Intermediate Phrasal verbs 4A


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