suit - Those shoes really _____ you! They look great., fit - These trousers don't _____ me. They're too big., basket - You put things you want to buy in it when you shop online or in a supermarket., shelf - "Excuse me, where's the cereal?" "It's on the _____.", trolley - It has four wheels and you push it in the supermarket., changing room - You go into the _____ _____ to try things on., sales - When shops reduce the price of items., shop assistant - A person who helps you in a shop when you want to buy something., take back - If you're not happy with something you bought, you _____ it _____ to the shop., size - If a T-shirt is too big or too small for you, it's not your _____ ., receipt - The piece of paper which they give you in a shop after you pay for something., checkout - When you're ready to pay for your items online you proceed to _____ ., account - If you want to buy things online, you usually have to create an _____ with your personal details., customer - The person who buys things in a shop.,


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