1) How many bones are there in the human body? a) 208 b) 206 c) 345 d) 281 e) 1 f) 205 2) What is the largest bone in the human body? a) Femur b) Tibia c) Stapes d) Humerus e) Skull 3) What is the smallest bone in the human body? a) Malleus b) Stapes c) Patella d) Skull e) Humerus f) Femur 4) What is the sharpest part of the human body? a) Nose b) Elbow c) Thigh d) Knee e) Fingernails (sometimes) f) Knuckles 5) Which is the weakest bone in the human body? a) Lacrimal bone b) Skull c) Patella d) Stapes e) Humerus f) Femur

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