1) Odd one out a) action b) complete c) comedy d) musical 2) Odd one out a) hate b) enjoy c) like d) love 3) Odd one out a) helpful b) friendly c) evil d) good 4) Odd one out a) funny b) enjoable c) entertaining d) science fiction 5) Odd one out a) interesting b) exciting c) boring d) great 6) Shall we watch a comedy film? a) Good idea! b) I am eleven. c) We are the champions. d) Gargamel is my favourite. 7) "Dabbe" is __________ . I can't watch horror movies. a) entertaining b) frightening c) interesting d) darling 8) Odd one out a) What kind of movies do you like? b) What kind of films do you enjoy? c) What films do you hate? d) What type of films do you like? 9) Smurfs is my favourite __________ . a) cartoon b) character c) teacher d) scary 10) What is "movie theatre" in Turkish? a) film b) tiyatro c) tiyatro filmi d) sinema salonu 11) Chose the meanings of the words in the correct order: "dürüst, cesur, sıkılmış, sıkıcı" a) honest-brave-boring-bored b) save-honest-boring-bored c) save-honest-bored-boring d) honest-brave-bored-boring 12) Choose the correct order. (En sevdiğin film karakteri kim?) a) Who is your favourite movie? b) Your favourite movie character who? c) Who is your favourite movie character? d) Who is your favourite evil character? 13) Who is your favourite evil character? a) Ninja Turtles b) Joker c) Rıza Baba d) İnek Şaban 14) A: _____________? B: Adventures of a brave girl. a) Who stars in the movie? b) What kind of movie is it? c) What is the movie about? d) Who is the brave girl? 15) The ship "Titanic" hits a(n) _________ and starts to sink. a) sea b) mountain c) ship d) iceberg

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