1) You go here if you want to catch a plane a) station b) airport c) stadium 2) People go here to watch football matches a) stadium b) store c) office 3) You go here to send letters a) pharmacy b) post office c) stationary 4) Parents take their children here especially at the weekends so they can have fun a) playground b) bus stop c) hospital 5) Doctors work in this place a) museum b) library c) hospital 6) You can buy lots of different books in this place a) cafe b) bookshop c) pool 7) You go here if you want to buy medicine a) pharmacy b) cinema c) grocery 8) You can borrow books here a) museum b) hairdresser c) library 9) You can watch all the new films here a) cinema b) cafe c) bookshop 10) You can do all your shopping here a) shoe shop b) pool c) shopping center

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