The key issue here is that older people have a higher risk of dying of the disease., The way I see it, people should not be put at risk by their job., I’m not convinced that key workers should be vaccinated before elderly people., I strongly believe that the NHS will be overwhelmed if vulnerable people are not vaccinated first., As far as I’m concerned, key workers should be prioritised., That vast majority of people would say that key workers should be vaccinated first., There is no evidence to support that whatsoever., It’s also worth bearing in mind that there will be fewer hospital admissions if we vaccinate older people first., I see your point, but you are forgetting that hospitals will be overwhelmed if we don’t give older people jabs first., I see where you’re coming from, but we cannot forget the sacrifice NHS staff have made., So, to sum up, we should prioritise elderly people for vaccination., So, in summary, we must vaccinate key workers first.,

Vaccination Debate - Sentence Scramble L1

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