Bunsen Burner - We use this in the lab to heat things or to burn materials., Chemistry - The science subject where we learn about chemicals and reactions., Biology - The science subject where we learn about living things., Physics - The science subject where we learn about forces, electricity and space., Mars - The 'red planet' where NASA landed perserverance this year., Climate Change - A change in global long term weather patterns caused by the man made processes that release too much carbon dioxide. , Batteries - We use these to power our electronic devices., Virus - Small protein particles that cause diseases like Covid-19., Gravity - A force that pulls us towards the centre of the Earth that stops us floating away., Evolution - The process that causes living things to change over time. A theory created by Charles Darwin. , Vaccine - A chemical that can be injected to a person to cause immunity against a disease. , Scientist - Someone that studys or works in Science., Jupiter - The biggest planet in our solar system., Gold - A shiny metal, that has a colour close to yellow. It is used to make jewellery. , Hypothesis - A word that means what you think will happen in an experiment. It is a guess that you base an experiment on. You may need to use google for this one!,

Bishy P7 Science Wordsearch

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