1) Küresel ısınma nın ingilizcesi aşağıdakilerden hangisidir? a) Achievement b) Global warming c) Artificial d) Cell 2) Benjamin Franklin _______ electricity. Boş bırakılan yere hangisi gelir ? a) made b) invented c) discovered d) explorer 3) _______ invented a powerful telescope, and improved compass. a) Thomas Edison b) Benjamin Franklin c) Archimedes d) Galileo 4) You need to wear _____________ to protect your eyes from UV rays. a) sun cream b) cream c) sunglasses d) hot 5) Aşağıda verilen ifadelerden hangisi çevre ve onu korumakla ilgili değildir? a) Put on b) Global warming c) Recycle d) Solar energy 6) Aşağıdaki cümlelerden hangisi bir tavsiye içermez? a) Protect the environment. b) You can turn off the TV. c) You had better use recycle bin. d) You can use sunglasses. 7) Take some water with you _______ you get thirsty. a) because b) yet c) but d) in case 8) felsefe a) Philosophy b) Gravity c) Cosmology d) Discover 9) keşfetmek a) Medicine b) Gravity c) Discover d) Science 10) başarı a) Transform b) Product c) Virtual d) Accomplishment 11) tartışma a) Layer b) Debate c) Melt d) Durable 12) mucit a) Explore b) Invention c) Inventor d) Alchemy 13) yerçekimi a) Gravity b) Chemist c) Virtual d) Generate 14) şekil vermek a) Researcher b) Paradox c) Mold d) Generate 15) tabaka a) Layer b) Artifical c) Invent d) Explore


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