1) I work in a travel agency now. Before that I ... in a deprtment store. a) work b) worked c) workid 2) We ... them to our party. a) invite b) invitid c) invited 3) Laura ... her exam. a) pass b) passed c) past 4) She ... very hard. a) study b) studyed c) studied 5) We ... Tanya in town a few days ago. a) see b) saw c) sawed 6) I ... to the cinema three times last week. a) go b) goed c) went 7) It was cold, so I ... the window. a) close b) closed c) closet 8) When I was young, I ... a letter to my grandma every week. a) write b) writed c) wrote 9) The police ... the car at the traffic lights. a) stop b) stopped c) stopt 10) I ... breakfast at 7 o'clock today. a) have b) had c) haved

ESOL E2 Past Simple - complete the sentence

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