1) Does it live on land and in water? a) Yes, it does. b) No, it doesn't. 2) Do they eat meat? a) Yes, they do. b) No, they don't. 3) Does it live in the trees? a) Yes , it does. b) No, it doesn't. 4) Do they live in a group? a) Yes, they do. b) No, they don't. 5) Does it like fruits? a) Yes , it does. b) No , it doesn't. 6) Do they hunt animals? a) Yes, they do. b) No , they don't. 7) Does it like fruits? a) Yes, it does. b) No, it doesn't. 8) Do they eat grass? a) Yes, they do. b) No, they don't. 9) Does it live on land? a) Yes , it does. b) No, it does't. 10) Do they  sleep in the trees? a) Yes, they do. b) No , they don't.

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