1) We need some ............for the party a) food b) popcorn c) beverage d) paper work 2) My parents ............... their wedding anniversary every year a) form b) celebrate c) decorate d) invite 3) Baklava is a traditional Turkish ................ a) dessert b) flight c) parade d) drink 4) Harry Potter was ........................... by J.K Rowling a) done b) written c) gone d) published 5) Firstly ,................. the eggs into the mixture bowl a) slice b) beat c) mix d) chop 6) In different countries,different religious festivals are ............... every year. a) done b) held c) cooked d) built 7) A typical Indian wedding ...................... a) parade b) collection  c) ceremony d) fasting 8) In Halloween,people ............. scary clothes to drive away .......................... a) take/ gifts b) wear / evil c) hang/ lantern d) put on /traditions 9) Visiting grandparents is an important ..................... in our religious days a) guest b) symbol c) celebrate d) tradition 10) When the parade was marching ,the .................... was playing a traditional song a) festival b) artwork c) band d) host 11) People ............. national holidays so much. Homes and streets .......................... beautifully. a) are loving/ decorate b) loved / are decorated c) are loved / are decorating d) love / are decorated 12) My name wasn't .......................... on the invitation card. a) been b) done c) written d) told 13) They are ............................ a local festival to .................. the arrival of Spring . a) giving/ drive away b) visiting /launch c) holding / celebrate d) inviting /decorate 14) Many people in the world ............................ infected to COVID-19 nowadays a) will be b) are going to be c) are d) were 15) Topkapı Palace ................... by millions of people from around the world. It is ........................... an important tourist attraction. a) is visited / considered b) is visited / considers c) visited / considered d) visits/ is considering 16) The carpets are very expensive because they .................................... by hand a) are weawed b) are celebrated c) are expected  d) are sent 17) This house .......................... next month  a) is sold b) was sold c) has been sold d) will be sold


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