1) The cat is ....... the table a) under b) on c) behind d) into 2) The lamp is ....... the armchair a) on b) into c) in d) under e) behind 3) There are books .... the shelf a) on b) in c) under d) behind e) into 4) There is a gun .... the floor a) into b) under c) on d) behind e) in 5) His hands are .... his head a) on b) into c) behind d) in e) under 6) She gets .... her bed a) into b) in c) on d) under e) behind 7) He can stand ..... his hands a) under b) in c) into d) behind e) on 8) Its head is ..... the desk a) in b) under c) on d) behind e) into 9) Put the pencil case ...... your bag a) in b) on c) behind d) under e) into 10) Go .... the classroom, please a) on b) into c) under d) behind e) in

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