1) Mon père s’appelle a) My mum is called b) My dad is called c) Your dad is called 2) il a a) he has b) She has c) you have 3) quarante-cinq ans a) 47 years b) 44 years c) 45 years 4) Son anniversaire a) His birthday b) Your birthday c) My birthday 5) le dix juin a) the eleven June b) the ten June c) the nine June 6) Ma mère s’appelle a) The mum is called b) Your mum is called c) My mum is called 7) elle a a) I have b) she has c) He has 8) trente-huit ans a) 28 years b) 38 years c) 48 years 9) elle est née a) you are born b) he is born c) she is born 10) le premier avril a) the second April b) the first April c) the ten April

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