I ____ wear a tie at work. People ____ have an identity card. Ms. Stathon ____ work seven days. As Samantha is a teacher, she ____ prepare lesson plans. I ____ clean the house because I did it yesterday. Tomorrow is my free day and I ____ get up early. My father ____ water the flowers in the garden as it is raining. In France, you ____ drive on the right. I am an English teacher and I ____ speak in English in class. Alina had a slumber party last night and now she ____ clean her room. Emre has some problems with his teeth and ____ see a dentist. I have just paid the bills so she ____ do it. Everybody ____ wear the seatbelt while driving. Shiela and Ken ____ learn the new words. If you want to get higher marks, you ____ study hard.

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