1) Our cleaning lady ...................... wash the dishes every day. a) have to b) has to c) can't 2) My grandparents are sick. They ................. take the pills twice a day. a) can't b) has to c) have to 3) My brother ................... play computer games during school time. a) has to b) can't c) have to 4) We ........................ go to school at weekends. a) don't have to b) doesn't have to c) have to 5) My friends ........................get up early in the morning. a) have to b) has to c) doesn't have to 6) My little sister is three years old and she .................... go to school. a) don't have to b) doesn't have to 7) Mum ............... make sandwiches for us every day. a) have to b) don't have to c) has to 8) She ................ feed her dog in the morning. a) doesn't have to b) has to c) don't have to 9) Chris promised his father. He .............. help his father in the garden. a) has to b) have to c) doesn't have to 10) My mother says, you ............... take a shower every evening. a) don't have to b) has to c) have to 11) In football you ............ touch the ball with your hands. a) can't b) have to c) has to 12) You ................. fasten your seat belt when you are on the plane. a) can't b) has to c) have to

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