1) Görsele uygun şıkkı seçiniz. a) Arrive home b) Listen to the music  c) Take a shower d) Sleeping  2) Görseli anlatan seçenek hangisidir? a) Do homework b) Wake up c) Have a shower d) Get dressed 3) go .........................Aşağıdakilerden hangisi go fiiliyle kullanılamaz? a) shopping b) to the bed c) a shower d) to school 4) Görseli anlatan seçenek hangisidir? a) meet friends b) do homework c) wake up d) have dinner 5) Hangisi diğerlerinden farklıdır? a) in the morning b) in the afternoon c) at noon d) shopping 6) Cenk : ................... is it?Ali : It’s 7 o’clock. a) What b) What time c) How d) Where 7) What ............. you do in the morning?Aşağıdakilerden hangisi soruyu en uygun şekilde tamamlar? a) is b) Are c) do d) Can  8) I ................... dressed. a) Go b) Get c) Have d) Do 9) I ..................... a book in the evening. a) watch b) Read  c) Do d) brush 10) Görseli anlatan seçenek hangisidir? a) I go to bed. b) I have a shower. c) I watch TV. d) I wake up. 11) I have ...................... in the morning. a) breakfast b) Dinner c) lunch d) brother

4. Sınıf ingilizce 5. Ünite test

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