Headhache - A pain in your head., Stomachache - Pain in your stomach or near your stomach., Pill - A small solid piece of medicine that you swallow whole., Sprain - Vücudunuzdaki bir eklemin aniden bükülerek hasar görmesi., Backache - A pain in your back., Bruise - A Purple or brown mark on your skin., Bandage - A narrow piece of cloth that you tie around a wound., Faint - To suddenly become unconscious for a short time;pass out., Surgery - Operation., Bleeding - The condition of losing blood from your body., Fever - An illness or a medical condition in which you have a very high temperature., Hearth Attack - A sudden serious medical condition in which someone's stops working normally,causing them great pain., Toothache - A pain in a tooth., Awake - Not sleeping., Blood Pressure - The force with which blood travels through your body., Precaution - Something you do in order to prevent something dangerous or unpleasant from happening. ,

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