He's seventeen but he's already married., Has Ali arrived yet?, I've already finished!, 'Just' means a short time ago., Have you had breakfast yet?, She's already gone to bed., Why are you already in bed?, I'm already bored with my new job., It's not time to stop yet., Have you written that letter yet?, 4pm, and it's already dark!, 'Are you hungry?' 'No, I've just had lunch.', Have you just arrived?, 'What time is Sarah leaving?' 'She's already left.', Have you found a new flat yet?, Has it stopped raining yet?, I've written the email, but I haven't sent it yet., 'Is Mo coming to the cinema with us?' 'No, he's already seen the film.', 'Are your friends here yet?' 'Yes, they've just arrived.', 'What's in the newspaper today?' 'I don't know, I haven't read it yet.',

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