1) What is the dog doing? a) It is jumping. b) It is reading. c) It is barking. d) It is sleeping 2) What are they doing? a) They are playing football. b) They are playing dodgeball. c) They are jumping. d) They are fishing. 3) What are the rabbits doing? a) They are playing together. b) They are eating carrot. c) They are sleeping . d) They are jumping on the bed. 4) What is she doing? a) She is playing with the tiger.  b) She is helping the tiger. c) She is examining the tiger. d) She is feeding the tiger. 5) The vet is.............. a) feeding the dog. b) playing with the dog. c) examining the dog. d) flying with the dog. 6) These are...... a) kittens. b) cats. c) puppies. d) dogs. 7) What is the girl doing? a) She is reading. b) She is jumping. c) She is riding. d) She is singing. 8) ................... can examine the animals. a) Teachers b) Doctors c) Keepers d) Vets 9) What can we do in an animal shelter? a) We can feed the animals. b) We can hurt the animals. c) We can donate money. d) We can examine the animals.

5th Graders Animal Shelter Activity

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