I am a small animal. I have two legs and and two wings. I can fly., I am a small animal. I have four legs and two long ears. I can hop., I have four legs and a tail. I can carry my home on my back., I am green and small. I love jumping., I have two legs and two wings. I live in a coop. You can eat my eggs., I have four legs and a long tail. I can run fast and carry heavy things. You can ride on me., I am a farm animal. I give you milk. I like eating grass., I am a small animal. I love flowers. I can fly and make honey for your breakfast., I am a heavy animal. I have four legs and a trunk. , I have a long neck and four legs. I can eat leaves on a tree. I live in Africa., I have two wings but I can't fly. I love swimming and diving., I am not big but people don't like me. I seem scary., I am a nice pet. I love playing with children. I can fetch the ball you throw., I am a small animal and I live in water. ,

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