1) Which one is faster ? a) b) 2) Which one is newer ? a) b) 3) Which one is bigger ? a) b) 4) Who is taller ? a) b) 5) Who is shorter ? a) b) 6) Which one is taller ? a) b) 7) Which one is older ? a) b) 8) Which one is smaller ? a) b) 9) Which one is better ? a) b) 10) Which one is worse ? a) b) 11) Who is younger ? a) b) 12) Which one is more beautiful ? a) b) 13) Which one is more expensive ? a) b) 14) Which one is less expensive ? a) b) 15) Which one is more boring ? a) b) 16) Who is more famous ? a) b) 17) Which one is the biggest ? a) b) c) 18) Which one is the longest ? a) b) c) 19) Which one is the tallest ? a) b) c) 20) Who is the oldest ? a) b) c) 21) Which one is the most beautiful ? a) b) c) 22) Which one is the most expensive ? a) b) c) 23) Which one is the fastest ? a) b) c) 24) Which one is the best ? a) b) c) 25) Which one is the newest ? a) b) c)

Comparatives and Superlatives

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