at the expense of - (putting all your effort into one thing so that another thing suffers), bright and early - (early in the morning), deserve the best - (to be worthy of only good thing), in other words - (another way to say this), isolation - (alone, on your own), lifestyle change - (change in the way you live, to make major differences in your life), lose sight of something - (forget about something important or worthwhile, because you're concentrating too much on other things), mail-order - (describes buying items through the mail, over the phone, or Internet, and having them delivered to your home), paperwork - (routine office work that involves such tasks as keeping records, writing reports, letters, and filling out forms), position - (job, function), references - (individuals or statements from people who can recommend you for a certain job), routine - (one's usual way of doing things), steady job - (work that is reliable and expected to continue for a long time), struggle alone - (work hard to try and do something difficult on one's own), technical advances - (progress in technology),

Advanced 2 unit 4 vocabulary


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