1) It helps you smell yummy food! What is this? a) Head b) Shoulders c) Knees d) Toes e) Eyes f) Nose 2) It helps you see pretty things! What is this? a) Head b) Shoulders c) Knees d) Toes e) Eyes f) Nose 3) You wear hats on it. What is this? a) Head b) Shoulders c) Knees d) Toes e) Eyes f) Nose 4) These are below your head, above your body. What are these? a) Head b) Shoulders c) Knees d) Toes e) Eyes f) Nose 5) These are the fingers of your feet. What are these? a) Head b) Shoulders c) Knees d) Toes e) Eyes f) Nose 6) These help you jump rope! What are these? a) Head b) Shoulders c) Knees d) Toes e) Eyes f) Nose 7) These help you hear nice music! What are these? a) Knees b) Toes c) Eyes d) Ears e) Mouth f) Nose 8) This helps you eat yummy food! What is this? a) Knees b) Toes c) Eyes d) Ears e) Mouth f) Nose

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