1) Hayvanlara zarar vermek a) Air pollution b) Save animals c) Turn off the tap d) Harm animals 2) Ağaçları kesmek a) Cut down the trees b) Environmentally friendly c) Save the planet d) Throw out the litter 3) Pilleri geri dönüştürmek a) Waste water b) Use more batteries c) destroy forests d) Recycle batteries 4) fişi çekmek a) public transportation b) Harm animals c) Unplug  d) turn off 5) Işıkları kapatmak a) Turn off the lights b) Throw rubbish around c) Farm lands d) use private car 6) Su israf etmek a) Pour their wastes b) Waste water c) use less electricity d) public transportation 7) Etrafa çöp atmak a) Throw rubbish around b) turn off the tap c) Farm lands d) Unplug the TV 8) Enerji tasarrufu yapmak a) Natural source b) Hang up swings c) Save energy d) Recyle our litter 9) Doğal kaynaklar a) Environmentally friendly b) Natural sources c) Reuse the paper d) Farm lands 10) Çevre dostu a) Environmentally friendly b) Waste water c) Turn off the lights d) Natural source 11) Egzoz gazı a) Turn off the lights b) Exhaust gases c) Pick up the rubbish d) Farm lands 12) Çöpleri geri dönüştürmek a) Farm lands b) Unplug the TV c) Recyle our litter d) Environmentally friendly 13) Su kirliliği a) Environmentally friendly b) Air pollution c) Water pollution d) Harm animals 14) Çöp a) forests b) Plug c) Litter d) Natural 15) Kağıdı tekrar kullanmak a) Reuse the paper b) damage the trees c) Waste water d) hang up swings 16) Musluk a) Tap b) source c) Litter d) swing 17) Rüzgar a) Harm animals b) Cut down trees c) Wind d) Natural source 18) Hava kirliliği a) Air pollution b) Exhaust gases c) Recycle batteries d) Throw rubbish around 19) Atık dökmek a) Hang up swings b) Pour their wastes c) Environmentally friendly d) Farm lands 20) Sudan tasarruf etmek a) protect forests b) Pour their wastes c) Save the water d) Water pollution 21) Tarım toprağı a) private cars b) Save the earth c) Farm lands d) litter 22) Salıncak asmak a) Pick up the rubbish b) Hang up swings c) Pour their wastes d) damage the trees 23) toplu ulaşım a) public transportation b) private cars c) damage the trees d) Hang up swings 24) ağaçlara zarar vermek a) damage the trees b) keep off the grass c) Pick up the rubbish d) protect forests 25) Yeni ağaçlar dikmek a) turn off the tap b) plant new trees c) protect forests d) damage the trees

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