1) Splitting people into a common group is known as a) market splitting b) market segmentation c) common ground d) factors of production 2) Which of these is a sector of industry a) public b) private c) secondary d) third 3) A social enterprise has a) unpaid employees b) paid employees c) maximised profit d) always one owner 4) Which of the following is a sector of economy a) Primary b) Secondary c) Tertiary d) Public 5) a benefit of good customer service is a) customers wont return b) profits may decrease c) reputation will increase d) no difference 6) which of the following could you use to gather desk research a) online survery b) telephone survey c) pre existing documents d) focus groups 7) PESTEC is the acronym for a) internal factors b) external factors c) environmental factors d) competitors 8) Which of these is not a stakeholder of the school? a) local gardener b) local resident c) local parent d) local shop 9) The product life cycle..  a) intro, growth, maturity, decline b) intro, maturity, growth, decline c) growth, maturity, decline, intro 10) Stakeholders buy shares in the business a) true b) false 11) A partnership is in the ...... sector a) Private b) Public c) Third 12) Which company has limited liability? a) Sole trader b) Partership c) Private Limited company d) Charity 13) What is not a benefit of having a strong brand? a) increased awareness b) increased sales c) increased complaints d) increased profit 14) Which is NOT a factor to consider before choosing a place to sell? a) Distance to customers b) Distance to suppliers c) Cost d) Quality 15) Selling products for the same price as other shops is known as... a) Competitive pricing b) Low pricing c) Premium pricing d) Discriminative pricing 16) Which is not a stage of product development? a) Generate an idea b) Select a price c) Produce a prototype d) Alter the product 17) In introduction... a) sales are high and costs are high b) sales are high and costs are low c) sales are low and costs are high d) sales are low and costs are low 18) Which is not a method of distribution? a) Road b) Rail c) Plane d) Sea 19) What is a benefit of road? a) It is the fastest method b) It is the most eco-friendly method c) It can carry large quantities of products d) It can be door to door 20) How could technology be used in marketing? a) To email customers about promotions b) To email customers about delivery time c) To email customers about their interview d) To email staff about cash budgets

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