1) She __________ play the piano. a) has to b) have to 2) He __________wash dishes. a) have to b) has to 3) I ________ have a bath. a) has to b) have to 4) You __________ learn English. a) have to b) has to 5) They __________ clean their room. a) have to b) has to 6) Maria __________ feed the fish. a) have to b) has to 7) You _________ walk the dog. a) have to b) has to 8) Mark ________ study for a test. a) have to b) has to c) has 9) We ____________ do homework on Christmas eve a) doesn't have to b) don't have c) don't have to 10) John_______________ have a shower twice a day. a) doesn't have to b) don't have c) don't have to 11) Father Christmas _________________ do homework anymore. a) don't have to b) doesn't have c) doesn't have to 12) Ginger ________________ do the Maths on Monday. a) doesn't have to b) don't have c) doesnt have to 13) We_______________ go to school during the Summer holiday. a) dont have to b) don't have c) don't have to

Have to/has to (affirmative & negative)

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