I see a dead black ____ on a fence. I do not feel ____. When I think of the bird's ____ I think of ____. Father ____ under the ground now. We ____ all his favourite things in the ground with him. I was ____ what happened when he ____. Charlie is ____. He keeps on going. He tells me "The first day is ____, but it gets ____. I'll be there for you." He has always done that. He is a ____ brother. I loved looking for ____ holes, flowers and ____. I found a dead ____ and put it under some ____. I made it a little wooden ____. It was a tree, ____ towards me. I ____ so scared I did not ____. My father ____ up and ____ me out of the way of the tree. Then the tree ____ with a thundering noise. I cannot ____ the others about my secret. Father did not need to die. I did not ____, so he came to ____ me. It is my fault he is dead. I ____ my own father.

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