1) When do we light our Shabbat candles? a) when three stars are in the sky b) at sunset c) 15 minutes after sunset d) 15 minutes before sunset 2) How many Shabbat candles do we light? a) 3 b) you MUST light one for each chil c) 2 and some people have a מִנְהַג to light one for each child d) one for each chair in your house 3) What do parents pray for when they light the Shabbat candles? a) for Hashem to save them b) to make their שַׁבָּת table look pretty c) for good children d) for success in business 4) What Berachah do we say when making Kiddush? a) בּוֹרֵא פְּרִי הַגֶּפֶן b) בּוֹרֵא פְּרִי הָאֲדָמָה c) בּוֹרֵא פְּרִי הָעֵץ d) בּוֹרֵא מִינֵי מְזוֹנוֹת 5) How many times do we make Kiddush on Shabbat? a) three times b) twice c) once 6) When do we make Kiddush on Shabbat? a) on שַׁבָּת morning and שַׁבָּת afternoon b) on שַׁבָּת evening and in the afternoon c) On Friday morning and שַׁבָּת evening d) On Friday morning and שַׁבָּת afternoon e) On Friday night and שַׁבָּת day 7) Why do we light candles on Friday night when Shabbat starts on Saturday? a) We like to be ready for שַׁבָּת b) The Jewish day starts from the night before 8) How many meals do we have on Shabbat? a) one b) four c) five d) three 9) How many Challot do we have at each Shabbat meal? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 e) 5 f) 6 10) Why do we have two Challot? a) We want to eat plenty of bread. b) To remind us of the double portion of bread that fell on Friday.

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