Vowel Types - Monophthongs, Diphthongs, (Triphthongs), Monophthongs - tongue holds one position (eg beat |i|, Diphthongs - 2 vowels qualities in a single syllable. Tongue starts in position 1 then 2 (eg beer), Triphthongs - tongue assumes 3 positions (eg power), Voice - vocal folds vibrations, oral sound - air is in the mouth, nasalised sound - air is in the mouth and nose. , nasal sound - air is in the nose only, When you produce a VOWEL - 1. glotis is closed 2. forces the vocal fols to open and close quickly - vibrating, Passive Articulator of Speech - alveoral ridge, Active articulator of speech - tongue (moving), Glottis - name of the space between the vocal folds., devoiced - not fully voiced, Fortis - strong, powerful. Voiceless, Lenis - weak, soft. VOICED, Pre-fortis Clipping - when a fortis sound appears before a vowel, that vowel is clipped shortened (eg feed), Sandhi Form - |n| can beome |m| If it's before Bilabials (one pound= |wʌm paʊnd| or |d| = [b] (good boy - goob boy), Delayed VOT - VOT = Voiced Onset Time. Stressed words that start with |p t k| will have a delayed VOT. The effect is to devoice the second consonant., Example of delayed VOT - pluto = [plu . təʊ], Vowel sounds are voiced, devoiced or voiceless? - voiced, When you are breathing GLOTTIS is OPEN or CLOSED? - Open, What do you know about voicless consonants? - use more muscular energy compared to that required by the voiced sounds to achieve the same level, What do you know about voiced plosives, affricates, fricatives? - are DEVOICED, Why the term 'voiced' is problematic? - because sometimes the sound that goes under the voiced category, is not fully voiced, the same for voicless category., Syllabicity - every time you add syllable, you also add a vowel,

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