1) __________ a coat on the bed. a) There were b) There wasn't c) There was 2) _____________ boots in the bedroom. a) There wasn't b) There weren't c) There were 3) _________ a lot of t-shirts in my suitcase. a) There was b) There were c) There wasn't 4) __________ a sweater inside the washing machine. a) There weren't b) There wasn't c) There were 5) ___________ a short on that chair. a) There were b) Were there c) There was 6) Were there five sweaters in the wardrobe ? Yes, _____________ a) there were. b) there weren't. c) there was. 7) _________ a big elephant at the zoo. a) There were b) There was c) There wasn't 8) _________ four books in the table. a) There was b) There weren't c) There were 9) ___________ lots of tourists in the museum? (Question) a) Were there b) Was there c) There were 10) Was there a supermarket near here? No, _______________. a) There weren't b) There wasn't c) There was

There was/ There were


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