1) In what city did the September 11 attacks take place a) New York b) Los Angeles c) Boston d) Miami 2) Where did ISIS/Daesh originate a) Syria b) Morocco c) Iraq d) Tunisia 3) Who is the leader of the Syrian Reigime a) Osama Bin Laden b) Bashar al-Assad c) Ayman al-Zawahiri d) Muhammad Mustafa Mero 4) What Side does the NATO support a) Free Syrian Army b) Syrian Reigime c) ISIS/Daesh d) Rojava 5) What Side does the Russia support a) Free Syrian Army b) Syrian Regime c) ISIS/Daesh d) Rojava 6) Is the war in Syria a civil war? a) Yes b) No 7) Who was presidet during Semptember 11 attacks a) George Herbert Walker Bush b) George Walker Bush c) Bill Clinton d) Obama 8) What country first had Arab Spring Protests a) Tunisia b) Jordan c) Iraq d) Syria 9) What is the capital of Syria a) Baghdad b) Istanbul c) Ankara d) Damascus 10) What started the civil war in Syria a) Pro-Democracy protests b) High taxation c) Immigration d) Corruption 11) The Syrian Civil war can be considered a proxy war between what nations a) USA and Russia b) Iraq and Saudi Arabia c) Iran and Turkey d) UK and China 12) What was the name of the Manchester arena bomber a) Salman Abedi b) Sadam Hussein c) Hashem Abedi d) Bashar al-Assad

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