1) How do you think children were raised 100 years ago? 2) Have you been given a prize recently? 3) How was your birthday celebrated last time?   4) What awards or cetificates were you given in the past? 5) Mention something you were taught as a child that you continue knowing.  6) Mention 1 toy you weren't given when you were younger 7) Ask a question 8) Will you be driven home after school? 9) What is something you are not alowed to do at home but you do it anyway? 10) When were you awaken yesterday? 11) What have you given someone lately? 12) When will people be taken to space? 13) Have you been spoiled as a child? 14) What should be done with someone who was found drinking and driving? 15) Where were you born?

Passive voice questions - Speaking


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