1) What is A? a) Cell Membrane b) Cell Wall c) Cytoplasm d) Nucleus 2) Which two of the following describe the structure of DNA? Choose All correct Answers a) Double Helix b) A Monomer c) A Polymer d) A Protein e) A Single Strand 3) Which process is this? a) Osmosis b) Diffusion c) Active Transport 4) What type of bonding is shown here? a) Covalent b) Ionic c) Metallic d) Hydrogen 5) What is the Molecular Mass of NaOH? Na = 23, O = 16, H =1 a) 23 b) 24 c) 43 d) 40 e) 39 f) 161 6) Calcium Carbonate reacts with which acid to form Calcium Chloride? a) Nitric Acid b) Hydrochloric Acid c) Sulphuric Acid d) Ethanoic Acid 7) What is the formula for kinetic energy? a) 1/2 mv2 b) mgh c) IR 8) What is the Name of the Sun? a) Sun b) Sol c) B-7659 d) Betelgeuse e) The Milky Way 9) Which energy type is 'two electrical charges interacting'? a) Thermal b) Kinetic c) Potential d) Nuclear e) Electrostatic f) Elastic

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