1) __________ (+) a pirate park near the school when I was 3 years old. a) There were b) There wasn't c) There was 2) _____________ ( - ) ANY children in the library YESTERDAY.  a) There wasn't b) There weren't c) There were 3) _________ ( + ) LOTS OF pencils in my bag YESTERDAY.  a) There was b) There were c) There is 4) __________( - ) A garden in the school in the past. a) There weren't b) There wasn't c) There aren't 5) ___________ ( + ) A road in the city in the past.   a) wasn't b) weren't c) isn't 6) WERE THERE five cars in the car park? Yes, _____________ a) there were. b) there weren't. c) there was. 7) _________ ( + ) MANY farms in Leganés IN THE PAST.  a) There are b) There were c) There was 8) _________ ( - ) four books on the table YESTERDAY.  a) There aren't b) There weren't c) There were 9) WAS THERE a shopping centre here in the past? No, _______________. a) There weren't b) There wasn't c) There ins't 10) _______________ LOTS OF PATHS in Leganés when My mum was 5 years old. a) There was b) There are c) There were

2 - There was/ There were

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