Product: Advantage: Assessment is precise. Clear definition of 'levels' of learning/accomplishment., Key Feature: Clear definition of learning outcomes (which may be expressed in terms of a Knowledge & Skills Framework)., Advantage: Enables content to be selected and structured., Key Feature: Concerned with guiding students towards achievement of an "end state" (which may be a body of knowledge of a level of competence)., Key Feature: Emphasis on assessment (often summative)., Advantage: Precise definition of learning outcomes which avoids vague general 'statements of intent'., Analogy: The tutor says: "You are all heading for the same destination. I've got the map. Stick close to me and I'll get you there.", Key Feature: Focuses on role of teacher as "expert"., Disadvantage: Can be over-prescriptive., Disadvantage: Can be restricted insofar as there is temptation to "teach to the exam"., Key Feature: The "end state" is often defined by external (assessment) agencies., Theorists: Tyler (1949) & Bloom (1965), Disadvantage: Discourages creativity., Process: Key Feature: Assumption that learners make unique response to learning experiences., Advantage: Emphasis engagement and interaction (of teachers and learners)., Advantage: Emphasis on "learning skills"., Key Feature: Concerned with guiding students to engage in the learning process and to develop their capacity for learning., Advantage: Encourage learners to appreciate intrinsic value of certain learning activities (not merely as 'means to an end')., Key Feature: Emphasis on means rather than ends., Analogy: The tutor says: "You are all heading for different destinations. You may need different maps. I'll teach you map-reading skills"., Key Feature: Encourages learner autonomy. More individualised., Key Feature: Focuses on role of teacher as "facilitator"., Disadvantage: Difficult to assess objectivity., Theorist: Stenhouse (1975), Disadvantage: Lack of emphasis on appropriate content., Disadvantage: Students may be confused at not having strict guidelines.,

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