1) which of following isnot parasite a) parrot b) parakeet c) plasmodium 2) ameoba capture food with help of a) cell wall b) speudopodia c) plasma membrane 3) bile juice strored in a) gall bladder b) liver c) mouth 4) which digestive enzyme produce by mouth a) saliva b) bile c) salivery amylase 5) which protect inner lining of stomach from HCL a) villi b) mucus c) pharynx 6) what type of mode of nutrition we perform a) autotrpic b) saprotropic c) holozoic 7) digestion starts from a) mouth b) stomach c) villi 8) which digestive juice digest protien a) HCL b) bile c) pepsin 9) which gland present in stomch a) gastric gland b) salivery gland c) liver 10) which is not type of nutrition a) autoropic b) hetrotropic c) respiration

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